Violation Management Service

Your One-Way Ticket to Savings


A Better Way to Fight Tickets

Many of our customers’ truck drivers receive multiple traffic, parking and other driving-related tickets. Omnitruck created a violation management service to help our customers handle all types of tickets. Under this service Omnitruck and our experienced team will fight the ticket on your behalf and if we win you only have to pay a small fraction of the original amount.

Benefits of Violation Management

  • Save Money.
    If we win, you pay only a fraction (25 percent of the original amount) of each parking ticket. If we lose, you don't owe us anything!
  • Save Time.
    It's quick and easy! Simply send us all your tickets, and we contest them — while you spend your time running your business.
  • Save a Trip to Court.
    If a criminal or traffic court visit is required, we partner with experienced, specialized lawyers to fight your ticket. We charge $350 per court visit.